It seems that everyone and their cousin has a blog. Type in any buzz word on a search engine and you'll get at least ten blogs about it. So why would I blog? Why would anyone care what I have to say? Why put myself out here just to see barely-there views and possibly open myself up to online ridicule? Several reasons. They are as follows:
1. My dogs are so damn cute and everyone needs to see them. Seriously.
2. I have been helped so much by reading others' experiences with healthcare systems and various illnesses, and I'd like to give back to others by being an online presence for them. I suffer from (i.e. survive/struggle with/fight tooth and nail with) Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PolyCystic Ovarian syndrome, and a laundry list of complications from the above illnesses.
3. My service dog Riley is the light of my life and we just got a new puppy to train. His name is Jeph. I'd like to chronicle Jeph's training from the beginning and share any knowledge I can with those who are looking to train a dog for themselves or others. Riley, a four-year-old female Lab mix, has enabled me to get out of bed and go out in public and attempt to lead some semblance of a life. If I can help other dog and human teams, I'd be so happy.
4. I'm opinionated as hell. And I'm funny. You'll appreciate it.
5. I'm a writer, but the only big project I have completed is a full-length play about a fictionalized experience with invisible illnesses called Side Effects. I'm proud of it. I love it. I want to be proud of something else I've written. I want to be proud of this blog. I have no idea what this is going to become yet. Recipes? Style? Dog training? Healthcare insights? All of the above? You'll have to wait and see.
6. I want to get better at taking selfies and posting pictures. This is because I think it is important for me to have a reason to get out of bed and get dressed. And if it is just for this blog, it will be worth it.
7. I use medical-grade essential oils and other alternative medicine treatments as well as a drawer full of prescription medication. You'll only get science-based, medically-backed information from me. No "Lavender cures anxiety" crap here, folks.
8. I have to believe that my voice, however small, is important. I have to believe that I am important. And this blog is a way for me to remind myself that I do have a say, a voice, an opinion that matters.
So, on to the strange world of Internet Blogging! Here I come! Be ready, friends. Be ready.