Monday, February 27, 2017

Things Learned While Travelling Part 2

1. People do not know the rights Service Dogs have. Not even some legitimate Service Dog handlers.
2. My husband has a fantastic family whose love for each other is incredibly deep and will last lifetimes.
3. Travelling is one of the most exhausting things for a Spoonie to attempt to do.
4. It takes my husband being exhausted for four days in a row for him to start feeling the level of exhaustion I have after four hours of being awake.
5. Kennels are nice, but re-uniting with your puppy after a trip is better. (Jeph had a glorious time at his puppy summer camp.)
6. I will pay whoever I need to pay so that I never have to go to Texas ever again. Ugh. My apologies to anyone who loves Texas, but you're wrong.
7. Never admit to any American that you hate the song "God Bless the USA" (... and I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free...) (And I did just admit it here. Woops. That background track, though...Ew.)
8. There is actually not a site more inspiring and lovely than a bunch of families rushing to greet their loved ones they haven't seen in months.
9.  Jeph is a mix of Heeler and Alaskan Malamute. We saw a picture of those puppies and it was exactly him. Yes, this doesn't apply to anyone except us, but still. I learned this while travelling.
10. You're not drinking enough water. Go have a glass right now. You're welcome.

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